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This diary records changes made on this website. Bookmark this page and call back often to keep up with GSW developments.

GSW 2009

Dec 2008: added to the events calendar the 6th Worldwide Security Conference: From the Global War on Terror to Common Security taking place in Brussels in February 2009



GSW 2008

Sep 16: that’s it for another year! We’re already looking forward to GSW 09. Thanks everyone for your interest and involvement.

Sep 9: noted further press coverage of GSW 08.

Sep 8: announced the launch of the Surfing Safer website. Good luck Raj! Also September is US National Preparedness Month.

Sep 4: outlined a meeting in Bucharest during GSW.

Sep 1: noted the planned launch of a UK security awareness website and Belgian LSEC activities, both during GSW ‘08.

Aug 21: added links to the GSW blog.

Aug 11: logo competition winner announced. Well done Yaqien! 

Aug 8: results of the 2008 GSW logo competition will be announced soon. Meanwhile, we have adopted a new ‘permanent’ GSW logo (top left) thanks to Matthew Palmateer - well done Matthew!

Jul 17: extended the logo competition deadline to August 1st.

Jul 16: launched the logo competition for GSW 2008 with a press release

Jun 26: planning is under way for GSW 2008.



GSW 2007

Nov 6: put the date for GSW 2008 on the home page.

Oct 27: Data Protection Practical Compliance is a conference in Ireland on November 9th (thanks Betina)

Sep 18: GSW 2007 itself may be over but we continue supporting other security awareness activities in the run-up to GSW 2008. Meanwhile, we have posted further privacy presentation materials to the Freebies page.

Sep 5 & 6: added privacy links to the Freebies page: there is more information on the GSW blog.

Sep 4: published info on the Worldwide Security Conference in Brussels next February

Sep 1: revised the site design ready for GSW 2007, publishing awareness materials and links on privacy for those organizing GSW events. Keep up with news via our blog.

Aug 29: LegionSec ‘07 will take place in Bangalore on November 3rd.

Aug 25: OWASP will be holding GSW security conferences worldwide on September 6th.

Aug 23: a GSW event will take place in Dublin, Ireland on September 6th.

Aug 22: a 4½Mb version of the GSW 2007 logo, suitable for posters, is available to download.

Aug 7: details of security-related events occurring during or near GSW 2007 are being added to the calendar and national/global initiatives pages.

Aug 4: winning logo published, along with the runners up.

Aug 2: added various events to the calendar.

July 17: OWASP and SANS are promoting GSW.

July 10: press release. A short piece in Silicon Republic summarised the event.

July 3: announced the GSW 2007 logo competition. 

Apr 19: announced the theme for GSW 2007: privacy in the 21st century

Apr 14: promoted Global Security Challenge on November 8th.

Jan 27: promoted Safer Internet Day on Feb 7th.



GSW 2006

Oct 6: uploaded two more identity theft presentations from the Irish GSW event (thanks Brian).

Sep 27: uploaded the solution to the identity theft crossword puzzle. Sorry for the delay.

Sep 21: updated the calendar to outline activities in preparation for GSW 2007.

Sep 11: that’s it for another year. GSW 2006 comes to an end as the media coverage of 9-11 reaches its peak and memories will gradually fade over the days, weeks and months ahead. Luckily, though, there are many other excellent initiatives throughout the year to help maintain a level of security awareness (see the calendar for details) and before you know it, GSW 2007 will be upon us.

Sep 4: showtime! GSW 2006 starts today. Updated home page accordingly.

Aug 31: noted the Digital ID World conference in Santa Clara on September 11-13 (thanks Daniel). Also welcomed the Professional Information Security Association (PISA), based in Hong Kong, to the happy band of GSW supporters (welcome aboard, Antony). Uploaded a management presentation on identity theft and a briefing paper on authentication metrics to the awareness materials page.

Aug 29: check out the free GSW 2006 poster

Aug 28: press release announcing Global Security Week 2006 next Monday. Noted several ISSA events in Europe (thanks Louis) and the BCI Symposium (thanks Joanne).

Aug 27: added more awareness materials to the download page including some good stuff kindly donated by the FTC and Rebecca Herold and more links on the links page (thanks all!).

Aug 25: restructured the further resources (links) page with an index and sections for individuals and corporates. Mentioned Melissa’s idea re grocery store presentations. Published a white paper on transborder flows of personal data, donated by Peter Hillier (thanks!).

Aug 24: added a page of links to identity theft and phishing resources on the web. Please let us know about other useful links on this topic. Made a bunch of updates to the security awareness, education and training calendar, mostly ISACA events. More anyone? 

Aug 23: finally released some security awareness materials on identity theft, carefully selected from the goody-pack of security awareness materials on identity theft delivered to NoticeBored customers in August and donated by GSW sponsor IsecT Ltd. Also linked to ENISA’s new security awareness guide for SMEs and to the on Yahoo.

Aug 3: announced an identity theft seminar in Dublin, Ireland on September 7th during GSW. The whole month of September is National Campus Safety Awareness Month in America.

Jun 7: announced the Regional Terrorism and Security Conference in Perth, Western Australia on September 9th, timed specifically to coincide with GSW.

May 15: apologies for the late notice: we have just found out about the ITU’s interest in global cyber security and their promotion of May 17th as World Information Society Day.

May 5: the World Conference on Disaster Management in Toronto next month looks fantastic.

May 3: Vigitrust holds a risk management workshop in New York.

Apr 29: ISMS PT is promoting GSW in Portugal and runs free information security workshops in Portuguese. Thanks Paulo.

Apr 10: is promoting GSW. Thanks Dave.

Mar 24: provided links to safe surfing and related resources for kids at the bottom of the FAQ. Published a press release about the new logo. Published a planning checklist.

Mar 19: applied a new site style with the 2006 logo. Added a countdown timer to the home page.

Mar 15: new logo now available to download.

Mar 14: the GSW 2006 logo competition results are out. Also made three updates to the calendar thanks to Davina at University of Maryland.

Feb 18: DHS/Infragard conference in Wisconsin in May.

Feb 17: Infragard conference in May announced. Started putting GSW planning and preparatory activities in the diary for 2006.

Feb 10: GSW design-a-logo competition launched. Press release here.

Feb 6: Australian press release about GSW 2006

Jan 24: Safer Internet Day is on Feb 7th this year.

Jan 11: added a handful of ISACA conferences and training sessions to the calendar.

Jan 7: noted “I love PIN” day in the UK on Feb 14th 2006.


GSW 2005

Dec 9: linked to the ISESTORM conference in Spain in April 2006. Looks great!

Dec 7: website now gradually coming back to life having finally taken delivery of the office PC.  Sorry for the gap. Added a couple of conferences to the calendar and national pages.

Oct 27: referenced the 2nd Irish computer security awareness campaign

Oct 25: we just found out about last week’s National Identity Fraud Awareness Week - please see the UK page for more info. Let’s hope the publicity effort was more successful that it appears ...

Oct 16: having successfully relocated the GSW office to New Zealand, we have now recommenced routine activities including website maintenance, starting with a grand redesign. Please continue informing us about security awareness activities, conferences etc. for the events calendar.

Sept 11: well that’s it for GSW 2005. After a brief reflection, it will soon be time to start thinking forward and planning for GSW 2006. Call back soon.

Sept 6: ElectricNews promoting GSW in Ireland. GSW press releases are also available as an RSS feed.

Sept 5: press release to launch GSW 2005, the first global security awareness event.

Sept 2: moved the Irish security awareness activities to their own Ireland page. Added a number of workshops and other security events in Europe to the calendar thanks to information from the European Security Task Force. Moved the Australian activities to their own page too and noted support for GSW from Engineers Australia.

Sept 1: linked to the University of Louisville’s first ever information security awareness week in October. Noted support for GSW from the European Security Task Force.

Aug 31: added a clock to the contact us page courtesy of Noted National Preparedness Month (September 2005) and One Days Pay (September 11th). Published dates for GSW 2010 (6-12 September 2010).

Aug 29: press release for the start of GSW 2005 next Monday.

Aug 24: noted US National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October. Published the calendar. Referenced the US National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace.

Aug 23: noted security shows in Australia and China during GSW.

Aug 22: press release with 2 weeks left until GSW 2005. Updated the FAQ to explain why we picked ‘the week leading up to September 11th annually’. Added quick links to make the FAQ easier to navigate as it grows.

Aug 21: OWASP contacted in Australia.

Aug 20: uploaded modified poster and logo images showing the date range not just the starting date for GSW.

Aug 19: noted Safer Internet Day in Ireland, and support for GSW from ISSA International and Infragard Long Island, New York.

Aug 17: FAST plans to discuss GSW with its corporate members next week.

Aug 15: Issued a press release re three weeks to go to GSW 2005. Received positive responses and offers of support from OWASP and VigiTrust.

Aug 11: OWASP team contacted. Get Safe Online organizers contacted.

Aug 2: Issued a press release re GSW in Ireland.

Jul 27: Updated the Ireland section. Created separate pages for UK and USA initiatives.

Jul 12: Added some ideas of ‘things to do’ during GSW to the FAQ. We plan to continue building this section indefinitely - further contributions are very welcome (contact us).

Jul 7: BHconsulting from Ireland are supporting GSW. Home page altered to refer to today’s terrorist attack on London.

Jul 6: Linked to and contacted the organizers of Security Awareness Day, Educational Technology Outreach and Computer Security Day.

Jul 5: Contacted ENISA. Australian infosec consultancy Safecoms is promoting GSW.

Jul 4: Salford University is planning security awareness activities during GSW.

Jun 26: Published this What’s New page. Contacted these bodies helpfully listed as references at the rear of Deloitte’s 2005 Global Security Survey: BIS, BITS, BSA, DISA, Europa, FTC, GCGF, NSA, OECD, FSISAC, Infraguard, ICAA, NCSA/StaySafeOnline and AusCERT. More to follow ...

Jun 25: Updated the FAQ to explain why we are running GSW.

Jun 24: UK MOD responded positively to GSW.

Jun 23: Set up the Press Office page. Secure Media & Promotions released an Australian press release.

Jun 14: Sent another round of promotional emails to ITV, BBC, 911 Digital Archive Families of September 11 and others. Positive response from the BCS.

Jun 10: Contacted (part of US DHS).

Jun 7: Another round of contacts including the BCS. Updated the national and global initiatives pages accordingly.

Jun 6: Interest in GSW from Siemens.

Jun 3: Updated the FAQ with information on trinkets.

Jun 2: Continued contacting interested parties including CERT/CC, ISSA, ISACA, various newsgroups and security industry magazines, FISSEA etc. Started the FAQ and released some promotional logos. Initial response from NHTCU’s Project Endurance (subsequently relaunched as and from the organisers of Finland’s Information Security Week (currently in February).

Jun 1: Launched the GSW initiative with our first global press release. Started contacting interested parties directly and fielding initial responses.

May 30-31: Uploaded the website to the web and continued tweaking the design.

May 29 2005: Registered as a focal point for the campaign. Started building the website.