Privacy in the 21st century
August 15 2005 Press Release
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Counting Down to
Global Security Week

5th to 11th September 2005

London, England, August 15th 2005: With just three weeks to go, the countdown to Global Security Week (5-11th September 2005) has begun. Final preparations are in hand for a variety of public and private sector security awareness initiatives.

Global Security Week will take place at the start of next month. There are just three weeks left to complete the planning and preparation of security awareness activities to take advantage of the general media focus on security in the lead up to September 11th.

Whilst there have been many previous security awareness events, this is the first time an attempt has been made to coordinate and align such a broad range of public and private sector security awareness activities all over the world in the same week. Published dates for Global Security Weeks over the next five years encourage even the slowest of organizations to plan their involvement.

By raising awareness, Global Security Week addresses security in the broad:

  • All Internet users are part of a global community and mutually dependent on information security. It is in everyone's interest to secure their own IT systems and be a good neighbor on the web. We all face the threats of spam, malware, phishing and other frauds, hackers, intellectual property theft, cyberterrorism and cyberextortion. We should all take suitable information security measures to avoid being part of the problem.
  • Recent terrorist atrocities graphically remind us of our shared reliance on physical as well as information security. We must all remain alert for unattended packages, suspicious behaviour and so forth.
  • Bombs and natural disasters (such as the Indian Ocean tsunami) are relatively indiscriminate, impacting individuals and organizations that happen to be there at the time. Knowing what to do, if not actually being prepared for such situations can literally make the difference between life and death for people, and survival or bankruptcy for corporations.

For further information, please visit the Global Security Week website:

Free banner graphics and suggestions on running effective security awareness activities are available on the website. Organizers of awareness events are invited to promote their activities free of charge through the website, and are encouraged to share their ideas with other event organizers.

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