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August 29 2005 Press Release
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Next week is Global Security Week!

5th to 11th September 2005

London, England, August 29th, 2005 -- Next Monday (Sept. 5th) is the start of the first ever Global Security Week, a security awareness initiative run by a small team of volunteers.

A number of public and private sector organizations from several countries have expressed their support for Global Security Week. Many of them already run security awareness activities but at present these events are spread throughout the year, diffusing the public exposure they each achieve. Having announced dates for Global Security Weeks over the next five years, the project team is hoping to convince organizers worldwide to hold security awareness events specifically in the week leading up to September 11.

Coordinator Gary Hinson said "It is clear from the calendar on that there is little if any international agreement on the dates for security awareness activities. They are all over the place!"

The week leading up to September 11 annually was chosen because:

  1. September 11th has had a special significance for global security ever since the dramatic events of 9/11/2001. We are simply capitalizing on widespread (essentially worldwide) media interest in security at that time.
  2. Media interest in security matters builds to a natural climax on the 11th and decays rapidly afterwards.
  3. By designating a whole week rather than a single day, participants in Global Security Week have some flexibility on exactly when they hold their events in successive years. If we had picked a specific date, it would have fallen on different days of the week each year and may have been inconvenient for some.

We are not necessarily suggesting that participants should spend the whole week promoting security awareness, nor that they should only do so during Global Security Week. Security awareness is ideally a 24x365 activity but Global Security Week is a suitable focal point for public activities that all can share.

For more information on Global Security Week and to volunteer your support, please visit the website or contact the organizers by email ) any time.

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